Seniors and Healthy Eating

Grown in the City is excited to announce they have partnered with 21 metro area assisted living facilities to help provide fresh produce to seniors in attempt to help reduce the boarding cost of the Long Term Care facilities. It has been proven that seniors who have a diet of fruits and vegetables are more independent and it costs less to care for them.

We’ve had land donated the Hirsh family that use to be an old pillow factory and have converted it to 100 acres of prime farm land where they now grow organic fruits and vegetables in the city. Since the produce is local the shipping cost is eliminated passing on that cost savings to the seniors.

One of the residents at the RedRoof Care Center had an insurance plan that paid her cash to then use for Grown in the City’s fresh food. My wife actually worked as an actuary and helped her find a clause in her hybrid long term care insurance policy that paid for these types of incidentals.

I’d never heard of hybrid long term care insurance so I asked her what in the heck it was and she told me is combined life insurance and long term care insurance. Once we figured out that over half the residents in assisted living facilities have hybrid long term care insurance that’s when the idea of helping these residents with their nutrition and having a method of paying for it with the new type of insurance.

We are holding an insurance learning day where we’ll have licensed agents review your hybrid LTCI policies for free next month so book mark your calendars and stop by our main office in the “Meat-Packing” District.